Studio EW to host a 24-hour Pop Up Records Flea Market
This Saturday, June 15th, Studio EW will host a special 24-hour event combining pop up records flea market that will bring together crate diggers, designers, illustrators and just a regular music fans and a party starting midnight.
Hot Chip Return With Seventh Album
Hot Chip will release a new album this summer. Recorded between London and Paris, A Bath Full Of Ecstasy is the UK band’s seventh full-length.
Sonar Barcelona Completes Its 2019 Lineup
23 new shows at SonarDôme presented by Red Bull, round out the line up for Sónar Barcelona 2019. Among the artists on SonarDôme presented by Red Bull are Lorenzo Senni –
Sonar adds another 34 acts for 2019
The Barcelona festival, which takes place in July this year, has added 34 more artists to its day and night programs.
Sonar adds Four Tet, Underworld, Daphni and Daniel Avery for 2019
The Barcelona festival, which will take place in July this year, has added a slew of artists to its Sónar By Day and Sónar By Night programmes, including Four Tet, Underworld, DJ Koze, Leon Vynehall, Daphni, Daniel Avery, Arca, Kaytranada, Vince Staples, DJ Seinfeld, Mall Grab, Red Axes, Fennesz and Body &
Build Analog Synthesizers Like Nintendo’s Cardboard Labo Toys
The new Pocket Operator modular kits are reminiscent of the cardboard Labo toys Nintendo created to expand the Switch’s capabilities as an interactive toy.
DJ Steven, Ziggy and Zimone Set The Official Launch of Mekanika Recordings
The end of 2018 saw the first release of Mekanika Recordings – the all time favourite Panika track by Unanimity a.k.a.
Technics Announces a New SL-1200 Turntable for DJing
Technics has announced a new DJ turntable at CES 2019. Dubbed the SL-1200MK7, this is the first time the company has added to its legendary SL-1200 series in nearly 11 years.
New James Blake Album Might Drop Later This Month
Last week, a French Amazon pre-order page, which reveals information about James Blake new album surfaced online. According to the page (now removed), the album is titled Assume Form and is set to drop on January 25.
Sonar reveals first acts for Barcelona 2019
Next year’s edition will move to July, starting on Thursday, the 18th, through Saturday, the 20th, with over 130 shows planned across Sónar By Day and Sónar By Night.
VA – The Sound of the 19th Season by Sven Vath
You’ve got to be а very bitter person or very specific in your taste for dance music not to like Sven Väth.
David August – D’Angelo
David August has been on a steady path to impress us with every new release during his music career. He made his debut being around 17 years old with a deep house remix of Oliver Koletzki.
Sven Vath и Ilario Alicante оглавяват турнето на Cocoon в София
Още преди да сме усетили симбиозата от звук, светлина и архитектура в историческото гостуване на PHOTON у нас, Metropolis ни зарадваха с новината за предстоящото издание на Cocoon София.
KiNK – Live at Cocoon Ibiza
We know Strahil Velchev a.k.a KiNK since he was part (and technically still is) of the friend collaborated electronic music project Porno BPM in the early 2000.
Riva Starr – Curveballs
At the end of 2018 the tech house genre is in a strange position. Most people, or at least those loaded with less prejudice for their weekend night out, seem to enjoy its groovy basslines and simple structure.