Studio EW to host a 24-hour Pop Up Records Flea Market

This Saturday, June 15th, Studio EW will host a special 24-hour event combining pop up records flea market that will bring together crate diggers, designers, illustrators and just a regular music fans and a party starting midnight.

The Ghost is the world’s first mobile record shop dedicated solely to underground music. It is founded by Berlin-based Brits Josh Tweek and James Creed, both longtime DJs, and features a heavily-curated collection of house, techno and more, mostly sourced from retired DJs across Europe. Now The Ghost is coming to Sofia and you can also listen to Josh and James’ 6-hour set at the party slot after midnight supported by Stefan Alexandrov.

The Ghost

Oye Records, Berlin will also take part in the records market represented by a special records collection by Kuprion as well as the brand new records store in Sofia – Laterna Records. The local DJs and vinyl collectors Funkusion, Emil Doesn’t Drive, Timoshenko and Visitor Q are only one part of the artists that will share their records collection with the visitors and will be available to buy the ones you like.

Illustrations, logo designs and custom graphics from different artists will also be available to see and buy on spot. The daily event starts at 12 pm on June, 15th with free entry, followed by nighttime party starting midnight. More info here.

Coda Radio – Wide

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