DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape June 2024 (Pride Month Edition)

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape June 2024 (Pride Month Edition)

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape April 2024

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape April 2024

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape December 2023

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape December 2023

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape September 2023

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape September 2023

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape June 2023

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape June 2023 (Pride Month Special)

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape April 2023

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape April 2023

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DSGN Clinic – Square Light
DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape February 2023

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape February 2023

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape October 2022

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape October 2022

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape June 2022 (Pride Month Special)

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape June 2022 (Pride Month Special)

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DJ Kaloo – Loud'N'Queer Mixtape April 2022

DJ Kaloo – Loud’N’Queer Mixtape April 2022

DJ Kaloo (real name Kaloyan Rusinov) is part of Sofia’s dance music scene for nearly two decades. He started dj-ing in the early 2000s playing strictly liquid funk and atmospheric drum’n’bass under the name DJ Solaris warming up stages for names like Goldie, Total Science, Marcus Intalex and LTJ Bukem to name a few.

DSGN Clinic – Square Light

Bassline Block Party на София Диша през август

През 2016, фестивалът София Диша разшири обхвата си и включи по-големите централни булеварди и приобщи градини и паркове към локациите. Тази година, фестивалът ангажира по-големи градски пространства за провеждането му и ще има обособени тематични зони през всяка една неделя.

Come Into Our House Presents Mario b2b Nikolay

Неведнъж сме заявявали, че за нас музиката и артистите са основния двигател на сцената, и че тъкмо те са базата, върху която се градят всички събития свързани с bassline.bg В неотдавна приключилият DJ Mix Contest на Horizon Festival, bassline.bg и Go Guide, триумфираха тъкмо такива талантливи артисти, които имат свое разбиране и виждане за електронната музика или както организаторите на Horizon Festival и журито ги определиха “истински record collector-и”.

DSGN Clinic – Square Dark

bassline.bg Showcase Presents Beno-San

В последните няколко години, електронната музика напусна тъмните подземия, складовете и непретенциозните места, изкачвайки стълбите към все по-лъскави и все по-популярни клубове, достигайки до публика, която следва модни трендове и харчи огромни суми пари с единствената цел да афишира определен обществен статут.