When we thought about a name for our dance parties at Tell Me, we ended with just GAY & QUEER Club Night, because we wanted to be honest, open and proud about ourselves and attract people like us for some good club music and fun. We don’t try to import or recreate someone’s else concept for a dance gay party, we just want you to come as yourself and feel like we are a community together.
We always considered Tell Me as one of the best venues in Sofia for alternative music and people so it felt natural. Thanks to their hospitality we are already running the night for more than a year and a half. We are proud that we can add an alternative music option for a usual gay night out in Sofia.

The music on our parties gravitate around house, techno and disco and it’s served by our host and bassline.bg’s chief editor – DJ Kaloo. He is on the Sofia’s dance music scene for years. One of his last big gigs was at this year’s Sofia Pride in front of more than 6 500 people.

This time the warm up set will be by DJane Disco Manga a.k.a. Daniela Arnaut. Daniela has been an iconic presence on the Bulgaria’s nightlife since the golden ages of Spartacus and Chervilo. We personally can’t get enough of her. Now she has a new way of expressing herself through music under the name Disco Manga. We are eager to see what she has under her belt.
There are going to be some more special guests and surprises as our new friends from House of Divastation – The Love Affair Ball’s winners drag queens Katrin Bárdak and Monica Loca.

GAY & QUEER Club Night is on November 23rd, 2019 (Saturday) / 11 pm at Tell Me, Sofia. Dress code is sport and fetish. Check the official Facebook event for more info.