Jody Barr – Carson EP


Jody Barr – Carson EP



Carson EP


Release Date:


Coda Radio – Do Granicata Na Vireene – Square

After dropping the incredible Lavender Fields EP on his own Portable Minds imprint earlier this year, acclaimed producer Jody Barr graces Last Night On Earth once more. After 2018’s knockout EP Marlon Brando, Jody’s next outing on Sasha’s prolific label is Carson, a weighty, three-track original pack designed for the club!

Jody Barr

Kicking things off is the darkened undertows of Violet Apogee, a stripped back, acid teased roller, filled with an emphatic and ground shuddering low-end. Backing this up, is the driven and searing title track Carson, as the mind altering and expansive sounds of Kazakh Plain induces a deep, melodic trance.

DSGN Clinic – Wide

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