Simian Mobile Disco – Flying Or Falling




Coda Radio – Do Granicata Na Vireene – Square

Flying Or Falling e включено в последния албум на Simian Mobile Disco – Welcome to Sideways, издание на лейбъла му Delicacies.

Coda Radio – Wide

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KiNK – Home EP

KiNK – Home EP

KiNK presents Home! This aptly titled EP is the debut release on the newborn label Sofia. Founded by Strahil Velchev and Konstantin Petrov, Sofia is not only the physical location where this music was made, the city where they met and developed as artists, but also a paradox that is reflected in the art and music that comes from the place.

Sonic Voyager с Ben Klock и KiNK

След шеметното начало на годината с Heroes Total, най-старият DJ колектив у нас продължава специалната поредица събития, с които празнува юбилея си под надслов Metropolis 20.