Ellen Allien – La Musica Es Dios EP


Ellen Allien – La Musica Es Dios EP



La Musica Es Dios EP


Release Date:



01. La Musica Es Dios (Original Mix)
02. Junge Sein (Original Mix)
03. La Musica Es Dios (Mix 2)
Coda Radio – Stay Focused – Square

Ellen Allien returns with the third release from her label UFO. Focused on a raw aesthetic, UFO serves as a space for artists to explore the dark, rugged side of the music. On this third installment from the label we get three deliciously dark productions…

First out of the block is La Musica Es Dios (Music Is God), which comes in two mixes. The first works from the deep tremor of its juddering bassline, subtle beats tease this cut along with a contagious rhythm. As a master of vocal hooks, Ellen skillfully introduces a distorted clip that repeats over and over as the drama unfolds. Wistful pads and a sombre riff keep it melancholy.

Ellen Allien © Stini Rohrs

On the second mix the mood is a little more upbeat with brighter frequencies and skipping beats. Though, once the main body of the track comes in, a menacing swathe of analogue growls and snarls at you with aplomb. A breakdown tinged with 8-bit leads us into a rousing section of the track before another slight break ushers in more menace in the low end.

Finally, Junge penetrates our minds with its punchy drums and snares. The pace is quicker and more energised with a pervading sense of dread emanating from the background. This cut is downright nasty, with a snee- ring riff and shadowy atmospherics. Rough, rugged and raw analogue technoid funk from an unknown future.

Coda Radio – Wide

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